Meet Irene...

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Hi There! Are you looking for a simple, yet FUN learning to maximize success in your team? I am a Personality Dimensions, True Colors, MBTI facilitator. I have been doing this work for over 8 years now and love to see the AHA moment when people discover their true talents, and value and respect the talents of others. I guarantee you an insightful and interactive experiebce for your team.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If Not Now When – the power of 30 minutes…

What dream are you putting off because you simply don’t have the time? What one thing do you think you could do for 30m each day that would push you toward doing what you really want to do from what you have to do or what others think you should do? If there is a common theme I hear from clients and friends it’s this… “I would if I could, but I have to this first so I can make money.” Don’t get me wrong I am not any different, we all need to put food on the table, so we adopt roles or work that may not be our life’s dream – but does that mean you have to give up on it? NO!

I also hear people talk about how if only they could manage their time more effectively, they would get more done. Hmm – can you really ‘manage’ time? Time is finite – it’s what you are doing with your time and energy that makes the difference. I checked my bookshelf before writing this and found at least six books or courses I have taken on time management – you would have thought it had sunk in by now! However, it’s not about that – it’s about realizing that we create our own emotional blocks that prevent us from showing our bright, best selves.

So, how do we shift the perspective on this? What’s going on really when we say we need to manage our time and priorities better, what stories are we telling ourselves?

What do YOU not have time to do?

- Exercise more

- Eat more healthily

- Write a book

- Spend time with your children

- Spend time with your significant other

- Take a walk

- Talk to a friend

- Call an Old Friend

- Call a client

Ask yourself this question… What is really preventing me from moving forward on my goal or intention? Can I find 30m each day to start writing the book I have inside me? How much do I really want to do this? What gift am I ignoring and keeping from the world if I don’t share it? What would my life look like if I made the commitment to spend 30m a day on my life dream?

Then, ask yourself… What emotions are holding me from moving forward on my goal? What comes up for me when I think about living that dream?

- Fear of failure or worse fear of success?

- Comparing myself with others – am I really good enough?

- Afraid of asking for help…

- Getting sidetracked by ‘Mass Weapons of Distraction’

- Do I have the right skills – am I good enough?

I am sure you will add others- when we finally decide that yes, I am ready to share my gifts with the world, the reason for blocking yourself will become evident to you and will seem easy to remove. You will see that the block was so simple.

- You are good enough – you are one of a kind

- People will help – they want you to be a success

- You do have the skills – they are natural and innate

- You will find the focus and the passion

Every one of us has tasks and duties we need to perform each day. Some imposed by ourselves, some imposed by others. Are you allowing other people or yourself to fill up your agenda with unnecessary activities? Is your busyness adding to your bank account? Denying your gift to the world is unfair not just to you, but to everyone who will miss it.

Do you have 30m a day to follow your dream?

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