Meet Irene...

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Hi There! Are you looking for a simple, yet FUN learning to maximize success in your team? I am a Personality Dimensions, True Colors, MBTI facilitator. I have been doing this work for over 8 years now and love to see the AHA moment when people discover their true talents, and value and respect the talents of others. I guarantee you an insightful and interactive experiebce for your team.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

What Personality Type is Santa Claus?

 Got your attention didn't I? If I were to guess what the Jolly Old Elf’s Type is I would say, INFJ. His NF makes him a blue temperament, meaning that his core needs are 'meaning and significance', and 'unique Identity'. Boy I'll say he's unique! – He’s the only person who can do what he does... He also gave Rudolf a special job because the other reindeer were picking on him – Typical Blue! Santa's I means that he's an Introvert he does spend 364 days at the North Pole! Introverts take their energy from inside – think of all the time he spends watching everyone. “You better watch out – you better not cry- you better not pout – I’m telling you why” – he even sees you when you’re sleeping! Santa's J means that he can be very organized. (Once a year he makes a list and checks it twice! He finds out who’s naughty and nice) His J will make him want to punish you with a lump of coal if you are ‘naughty’ – but since he is a Blue temperament – you will get a gift. Fellow type practitioners, what do you think? This is all for fun! Next Post – the Four Temperaments... what to buy for Christmas.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Is Your Cheese Old?

The parable in the little book "Who Moved My Cheese"  is all about how we react to change - or don't react to it - and what the consequences can be.

"Old Beliefs Do Not Lead You to New Cheese"

Does everything you do turn out the way you planned? Not likely... You can spend countless hours and money marketing and networking and maybe things are not percolating along the way you want. Ask yourself - am I making the same assumptions, am I doing the same things? or - am I sourcing out new cheese?

"Having Cheese Makes You Happy"

Of course it does - we all want success, we deserve it right? We worked hard! What happens when the cheese is gone? We ask - how did that happen? It's not fair! We tend to blame.

"The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner You Find New Cheese."

Move on...that's right - get on with the adventure - step out of your comfort zone. When I try a new service or workshop out - sometimes it doesn't fly - so, I go back - turn it on its head and re-think. Usually, I end up on a completely different path from the one I intended, but that's OK - keep your eyes and ears open for new adventures, partnerships and opportunities. It will all work out.

"Move With The Cheese And Enjoy It!"

Sniff - out the situation and see change coming.
Scurry - get into and stay in action immediately.
Hem - don't be Hem - staying where you are will not work.
Haw - Haw did not believe in himself and followed Hem. Step out of your fear - be bold.

I hope this little parable will help you to Sniff and Scurry your way to success.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I Don't Wanna Grow Up!

What do I want to be when I grow up? I would be willing to bet that if you are over 50 you had not thought to ask yourself that question. Yet many Baby Boomers are finding themselves looking around for a second career. Canada has the biggest population of Boomers on the planet, many who have spent years in the corporate world with not a lot to show for their loyalty. Many are finding themselves with no pension, or an inadequate one.

Add to that the current financial situation, many cannot touch investments. So a second career for many is a necessity.

Boomers also for the most part are not ready to retire. No longer are they retiring from a job, but retiring to something else. So, where do you start? For most of us, we have adapted ourselves to the corporate world, and may have forgotten what we were really passionate about. Especially for women, with many roles - we look ahead and ask the question - who am I really?

Understanding your personality type can help you discover what activities or second career might fit you.

The Blue temperament type has a core need for meaning and significance and having a purpose in life. If there is no need for a second income, Blues will enjoy being involved with charity organizations, or painting, gardening, scrapbooking. For a second career consider, motivational speaking, coaching or consulting.

The Gold temperament type has a core need for belonging and duty. This type will likely have their finances in place. Golds will enjoy being involved with clubs, volunteer work where they will enjoy planning and organizing events. A second career for a Gold may be doing tax returns, bookkeeping, and accounting, helping others to organize their homes or offices.

The Orange temperament type has a core need for freedom and making an impact. If there is no need for an income, Oranges will enjoy playing a musical instrument, playing golf or pursue other outdoor pursuits. A second career for an Orange could be, motivational speaking, building furniture, adventure travelling and journalism.

The Green temperament type has core need for knowledge and competence. If no substitute income is required Greens will pursue intellectual pursuits, many may return to University or college just for the opportunity to learn. If work is a requirement consider consulting in the field that you are an expert in. Teach at a college, many will hire subject matter experts.

No matter what your personality type, explore the many options available to you - find the real you - the authentic you and work at or volunteer for something that gives you joy or passion. Boomers are living longer - you may as well have some fun!